In the DR Congo, many street children and orphans live underinhumane conditions. Every minute, every hour of their everyday life is aboutsurvival. These children rarely have the most basic human needs met,such as clean drinking water, food, sanitation and safety.The association Congo's children will contribute to halving the number of street children andorphans living in poverty in the Democratic Republic of the Congo within years2030, which is part of the UN's global goals.
A large proportion of all street children and orphans in DR Congo are malnourished and many are hungry. Therefore, the children of the Association of the Congo will cultivate land inthe country and use agricultural production to feed these children.In addition, collected donations will go to food.
Child mortality is high in the Democratic RepublicCongo, but it is even higher in children who have no adults around them.The association Congo's children will promote the health and well-being of street children andorphan children. This by placing these children in orphanages run by Congoschildren's association. The association will ensure that responsible adults keep the children positivephysical and mental development and make sure they get education and other support, they sawwill be able to cope in society.
Street children and orphans in the Democratic Republic of the CongoCongo has few opportunities to go to primary school and get a secondary education, whichcan secure them a job. Congo's children will, in accordance with the UN's global goalscreate a safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environment that takesconsideration of the children's needs, gender and disability. Congo's children will ensure that street children andorphans are taught in a safe environment where care is takenconsideration of the children's physical, psychological and mental development.To the extent possible, the children of the Congo will unite, teach street children andorphans in nutrition and health.
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